
As noted in the by-laws, the SMRMA was initially formed in 1997 for the purpose of operating a volunteer fire department. In 2005, the focus was changed and it became a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of Arizona to:

  • maintain the integrity of Spruce Mountain Road from Senator Highway to the Upper Circle gate
  • provide a forum to address programs that will enhance the quality of life in the Spruce Mountain area

This is accomplished to the extent possible with the annual suggested donation structure for Spruce Mountain property owners. Those members who are current with their dues retain the right to vote on election of officers, by-law changes, and approval of the annual financial report. The by-laws were revised again in 2015, however the primary purpose of the association was not changed.

SMRMA is a road maintenance association. It is not a Home Owner’s Association (HOA) as there are no rules governing individual properties.

The Association is managed by a member-elected Board of Directors consisting of five members, four of which are Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer; and a Member-At-Large. The Board meets no less than quarterly and an annual meeting is held for all members and guests.